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The Joint Action Project: “Out-scaling Water Saving Innovations to Reduce Water Insecurity Conditions
of Poor and Marginalised Communities in Vietnam’s
Upper Mekong Delta”


The main project objectives

Mỹ phẩm thiên nhiên

among marginalised communities
in the upper Mekong Delta Vietnam

Sản phẩm tắm tự nhiên

to farming households
in four Khmer ethnic majority villages
of An Giang province

Cây son đỏ

for subsequent
out-scaling across this and other neighbouring districts

Sản phẩm mỹ phẩm tự nhiên

Use the results and lessons learned
to inform provincial and national policy regarding this and other potential innovations that will help improve water efficiency and saving methods

Xà phòng tự nhiên

to learn applicable lessons
regarding equitable
and sustainable water
management approaches
for the Lower Mekong Basin

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